Laser Therapy
What is laser therapy?
Laser therapy is a red light therapy that used the infrared wavelength of light. Specifically, LASER stands for: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Here at Sarah Abbott Veterinary Physiotherapy we use a class 3b laser allowing for shorter treatment times and and direct skin to probe contact without the risk of thermal damage.
How does it work?
Laser passes through the skin to target the damaged areas at a cellular level. Once in the cell, mitochondria absorb the light stimulating a range of cellular reactions. One way laser effects the tissues is causing them to leave the inflammation stage and enter the repair stage of healing at a faster rate, as why it’s known as an anti-inflammatory. Another cause is sending more oxygen to damaged tissues through the vasodilation (widening) of blood vessels.
What are the benefits?
Reduced inflamation
Wound healing
Pain reduction
Increased rate of healing
Enhanced cellular metabolism
What conditions can it treat?
Pain management
Wound healing
musculoskeletal disorders
Osteoarthritis (OA)
Neurological cases
And many more!
When wouldn’t we use laser therapy?
Young animals that are still growing
What does my animal feel?
Though the animals we treat with laser therapy cannot describe to us the feeling, laser is also used in human medicine. Humans having been treated with lasers describe a warm and slightly tingly sensation. Though this is not painful, it can be slightly confusing at first until your animal gets use to it (but many come around quick with the persuasion of some tasty treats!!).